After leaving HMS Raleigh in mid-march 1979, my class of MEM2’s were drafted to the Marine Engineering School, HMS Sultan in Gosport for Part 2 training. Often referred to as Trade Training, this was 9 weeks of tinkering around with diesel engines and learning all about what makes a ship move.


The discipline at HMS Sultan was still strict but was considerably relaxed compared to Basic Training. We were accommodated in a 1920’s block called Grenville that has long since been demolished to make way for the WRNS accommodation. As Part 2 trainees, we were still required to march everywhere and take part in numerous sporting activities as well as presenting kit for regular inspections.


I can remember struggling to understand some of the more technical aspects of ship borne machinery and being scared to ask as if I was the only one who didn’t understand. The reality was quite different.

I left HMS Sultan in June 1979 and along with 7 of my class mates, caught the train to Cardiff to join the County Class Destroyer HMS Fife. This was very exciting as she was due to deploy to America and the West Indies. This was what I joined up for.

Grenville 06 after Divisions in HMS Sultan May 1979

HMS Sultan from the air